No, I don't think so. There was a very bad police show on for a season or two where a female cop solved all the mysteries with one thing in mind. "Always follow the money", she'd say. Well, bad acting aside, she had a good philosophy. More cars in the chase means more major sponsors on the TV those last ten races. And when the 400 point back door into the chase didn't work, they dropped it like a bad habit. Then open the chase up to 12 drivers and we're sure to make a few more bucks, I mean sponsors happy, I mean fans happy. They identified a bottleneck in their ability to rake it in, and opened it up a little.
At least the "old" chase had some resemblance to the "old" points system. It tightened up the top ten, but it left out the teams that didn't have a shot at it anyway. This "bottomless" numbers game could open up the championship to a driver that never had a chance with ten races left. And this staging by wins thing? Where does that leave a driver who traditionally wins a number of the last ten races? Where's the advantage of winning these races after the staging has already been set?
I was a huge "Chase Hater" when it came out, and I ended up changing my mind after two seasons. We'll see if I'm wrong about this one too. Now back to Infield Parking! I might need some therapy to get me off that thing.
# posted by theStewartFan @ 7:51 PM
TalkGeorge adds:
Welcome back...I hope your worldly travels were groovy!
It certainly will be a different chase in 2007! FranceCar can not keep moving the target.
Regarding IP...I did dump it, just was too much for me to handle!!
Thanks TalkGeorge for your comment.
Clance' McClannahan adds:
Well, I see we have a mutual fan....
He left me a little different message tho. Must be the second chapter of whatever scripture he is writing...
Thanks Clance' McClannahan for your comment.
RevJim adds:
I don't think adding 2 more drivers to the Chase will solve anything. The problem they are having with ratings, I think, has more to do with the chase itself than to do with how many teams are in the chase. The additional points for the race winner, though, is a good thing. If they could just go back to the pre-chase system with the new points values, I bet more people would watch.
I found an article in which Tony expresses his feelings about it.
Thanks RevJim for your comment.
RC adds:
I still really feel like they should have added to the 400 points and leave the number of drivers that can make The Chase open-ended. That's just my theory, anyway.
We'll see how this season works. NASCAR's not shy about changing rules, we know that. lol If it doesn't work, hopefully they'll fix it... again.
Thanks RC for your comment.
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